What will marketing look like in ten years? Or five, for that matter?
Let me be more specific: What will "marketing" look like in a world where all 6.5 billion human beings have a web address as surely as they have a physical one?
When every person is a brand, we will have officially entered the post-brand era, in which the basic model for creating one's identity will be entrepreneurial. For a sneak preview of what lies ahead, run don't walk to What MySpace Means, a one-day event being held by the Engagement Alliance on June 21st, where yours truly will be presenting on what MySpace can teach companies about cultivating an online culture, particularly at the internal level.
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I can imagine that people will use tools like Qumana and others in an online environment, much as they started using Bic pens once upon a time, and putting internally-oriented "ads" pointing to pertinent information (esp. in companies) to facilitate cross-functional communications, engage internal markets for useful info and knowledge, etc.
*Culture* is a funny thing, though, and one wonders whether in ten more years it will be increasingly bottom-up driven or paradoxically, increasingly top-down driven.
Posted by: Jon Husband | May 03, 2006 at 10:51 PM