In a nutshell...

  • Kerabu is a work in progress. So far there's a business plan, a blog and a draft of a book--all of which are about promoting a form of radical entrepreneurialism that is lucid, ecstatic and even sensual. (None too subtle, but that's why the blog is pretty and floaty--too many business blogs are IBM blue). My name is Hillary Johnson, and I'm the author of some books and a contributor to some other blogs (below), and sometimes write about business, entrepreneurialism and innovation for magazines like Inc.

    CONTACT: kerabuinc (AT)

    Current Banner Image: Hedy Lamarr as Delilah Pure Land

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May 14, 2006


Antoine Clarke

The Shield rocks.

Ben Casnocha

Good move. Parents will be needing to connect with their kids on the media the kids are using.

Judy shaw

I agree ..if you can't beat em join em. You'll learn many strange things over the next years.


Dam, you north american's honestly have the dumbest logic when it comes to parenting, no wonder your kids run all over you


Haha is a dumbass. North Americans rule. Why don't you learn how to spell before you criticize others.


LOLOL so funny


You spelled Orc wrong.


All americans are fat ignorant fucks and dumb as fuck



just some advice, im 16 and play WoW,

If my father were to play WoW with me, i'd have no problem, but if we were an extensive team, it would make me think hes another *game friend* not so much of a father. though i play wow with friends i dont see alot, or not at all in real life keeps a bond that family members cannot hold.

In other words, play on a different Realm as your son, then eventually he will grow acustom to your gaming and wouldnt find it strange-ish if you transfered your character to his realm later on in your game experience.

that is, if your interested in playing this game yourself overall in square one!


I can just say nice idea Bullfitta


Its so lame when ppl talk crap about spelling mistakes


hey, Im also 14, play WoW, adn have for quite some time, i have a level 78 blood elf warlock. I agree with the sixteen your old, i really wouldn't mind that much if my father started playing, actually i would think it would be cool, and i think he even will start because he has become quite accustomed to playing dialbo II, and other rpg's of that nature, he just isn't a big fan of the multiplayer part. I think that if you started playing, maybe play on a different realm and in the begining DONT JOIN HIS GUILD or anything like that, just play, maybe start talking to your son about it more, asking for help on certain quests (asking him where to go, even if it is clear, it would probly help create a bond, idk about your son but i really would like helping show off all my knowledge of the game) or maybe having conversations over different aspects of the game.


the answer is always the horde. And well done./ its good to see people taking an interest in what their kids love. you'll find you enjoy it more then you thought urself.

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asking for help on certain quests (asking him where to go, even if it is clear, it would probly help create a bond, idk about your son but i really would like helping show off all my knowledge of the game) or maybe having conversations over different aspects of the game.


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