From FC Now:
"People who have learned to answer email on Sunday evenings also need to learn how to go to the movies on Monday afternoons. By redesigning the architecture of time, we can make room for work, leisure, and idleness."
--Ricardo Sempler, president, Semco
I'd add that, unless you still work in a shirtwaist factory, there shouldn't be any real need to continue to differentiate strictly between work and leisure. My leisure activity of choice (sailing) is more work than my work (writing). And neither one is more fun than the other.
To further muddle the distinction, sometimes going to the movies or watching TV becomes work for me, if I end up writing that part of the reason people love to watch so much Law & Order (aside from an understandable jones for law and order) is that the show is about people who live their work entirely holistically.
Tags: work, leisure, Law & Order, Semco, Sempler, Fast Company
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