In a nutshell...

  • Kerabu is a work in progress. So far there's a business plan, a blog and a draft of a book--all of which are about promoting a form of radical entrepreneurialism that is lucid, ecstatic and even sensual. (None too subtle, but that's why the blog is pretty and floaty--too many business blogs are IBM blue). My name is Hillary Johnson, and I'm the author of some books and a contributor to some other blogs (below), and sometimes write about business, entrepreneurialism and innovation for magazines like Inc.

    CONTACT: kerabuinc (AT)

    Current Banner Image: Hedy Lamarr as Delilah Pure Land

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August 10, 2005


Jackie Danicki

Hillary, I just sent Paco Underhill an email. Sounds like his work is very relevant to an event on measurement of marketing activities that I want to do here in London. So thanks for letting me know about him!

Also, I hope Powell's reads your post. What a sad, unnecessary state of affairs.

Amy Alkon

Hillary, that's such a fantastic book. I particularly liked that part about store aisles, and how they need to be wide in the cosmetics dept, especially, because women hate to be butt-bumped and will stop shopping if they are. I certainly skeedaddle if I start getting jostled. My pet peeve is people who bump me, then touch me to say they're sorry. No...touching me the first time was bad enough! (This only applies to strangers. Friends of mine are welcome to grab my ass and such if necessary.)

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