In a nutshell...

  • Kerabu is a work in progress. So far there's a business plan, a blog and a draft of a book--all of which are about promoting a form of radical entrepreneurialism that is lucid, ecstatic and even sensual. (None too subtle, but that's why the blog is pretty and floaty--too many business blogs are IBM blue). My name is Hillary Johnson, and I'm the author of some books and a contributor to some other blogs (below), and sometimes write about business, entrepreneurialism and innovation for magazines like Inc.

    CONTACT: kerabuinc (AT)

    Current Banner Image: Hedy Lamarr as Delilah Pure Land

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« Too much money and too little time? | Main | Everything must go! »

July 25, 2005



I came over at the suggestion of Nancy R.

This is a great post.

I was just told by my 12 year old that her stepmother objects to my selling my house (which I put on the market a week ago) because "If it is just about money, why doesn't she get a job?" I am a freelance book indexer. But for me what is most interesting about her comment is the resentment she feels regarding the freedom I have in working from home. She may also be unhappy and bitter in her marriage and I am the receptacle for her unahppiness, but that is another issue, right? Hehe. It is just that both my ex and his current wife (number 3) seem intent on killing the spirit of possibility in my independent, articulate, dreaming of a life of work fulfillment, in my young daughters. They subscribe to the idea that if it is fun, creative and engaging, it ain't work.

On another note, many of my indexes are for Entrepreneur Press, who publish what I see as a form of entreprenurial self-help books. They are templates for starting your own small business, from antiquing to lawyering. I never follow the sound principles for starting a small biz (biz plan, marketing, etc), but they are good outlines. I often describe the work I do, when the actual book is unegaging, as laying bricks, in other words, not at all creative, but I suspect equivalent to your typing job.

My most creative hours have been spent blogging (temporarily suspended)in a blogging community called motime. Many smart, anonymous, and wonderful writers afoot in the blogosphere. But I suspect if I went at blogging with the intent of making money, it would cause me to self-sensor and see it as a chore, killing the very spirit of the endeavor for me. Maybe not. Are there blogger's agents yet?

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