In a nutshell...

  • Kerabu is a work in progress. So far there's a business plan, a blog and a draft of a book--all of which are about promoting a form of radical entrepreneurialism that is lucid, ecstatic and even sensual. (None too subtle, but that's why the blog is pretty and floaty--too many business blogs are IBM blue). My name is Hillary Johnson, and I'm the author of some books and a contributor to some other blogs (below), and sometimes write about business, entrepreneurialism and innovation for magazines like Inc.

    CONTACT: kerabuinc (AT)

    Current Banner Image: Hedy Lamarr as Delilah Pure Land

Articles & Essays




August 08, 2007

July 05, 2006

June 22, 2006

May 22, 2006

May 18, 2006

May 16, 2006

May 14, 2006

May 08, 2006

May 04, 2006

May 03, 2006

April 27, 2006

April 05, 2006

April 03, 2006

March 25, 2006

March 24, 2006

March 22, 2006

March 21, 2006